Kat Flanders ’25 is one of our global ambassadors. She studied abroad twice at Lafayette; through Syracuse University Florence in spring 2024 and with our faculty-led program From Plate to Plate: The Geology and Agriculture of Food in Italy in summer 2022.

Why did you choose the study abroad program that you did?

I wanted to go to an American university so I could assimilate a little easier and find a good balance of being immersed in the culture without it being too overwhelming. I really wanted to go to Florence because it is small enough that it’s easy to navigate, yet has endless things to do and explore. In addition, it is so incredibly beautiful and full of so much rich history and art. Italy in general never gets old; the best food, views, and places to explore!

What was your favorite course abroad and why?

My experimental music course was definitely my favorite. It was fun, interactive, completely different than what I’ve taken before, and my professor was awesome. She was energetic, quirky, and taught in a way I could easily understand.

What was your favorite local food or drink abroad?

I have to say pasta for Italy! I have a whole note in my phone of some of my favorite places, there’s just so many! One of my favorite dishes specifically is cacio e pepe!

What was the most important thing that you learned abroad?

To be completely independent and confident. Especially in the beginning, I was homesick and it took me a little bit to adjust, but there was nothing I could do except force myself to explore, meet new people, and try new things! Being abroad really teaches you a new sense of self and shows you how much you’re capable of.

In what ways did you interact with your local community and culture?

In my Italian 101 course, we did various field trips where we practiced ordering at a local farmers market, visited a local artisan shop, and conversed with high schoolers so that they could practice their English and we could practice our Italian. I also had my go-to coffee shop across the street from my apartment; the couple working there were the best! In my art history course, half of our class was spent at museums (ones I wouldn’t have even seen without that class).

What tips do you have for students about to study abroad or considering going abroad?

Definitely start saving as early as possible and look into scholarships. I wish I started saving earlier. I also think it is beneficial to have this experience for yourself and not go where all of your friends do; it forces you to get out of your comfort zone and meet some of the best friends you’ll have!

In what ways did you grow as an individual while studying abroad?

I definitely became super self-sufficient. Traveling alone, figuring things out in the moment, meeting new friends, attending a new university, living in a new city, etc. forces you to grow up and mature in the best way possible. Who I was when I left is definitely not who I am today. I am much more independent, confident, and self-assured.

What is your most cherished memory of your abroad experience?

Probably living in Florence and meeting some of my new lifelong friends. Florence is truly an incredibly magical city, full of beauty, opportunity, and a version of myself that I’ll always cherish. It holds a lot of memories, and for that, I’ll be forever grateful. The people I met through this program are now some of my closest friends, friends I can’t imagine ever not knowing.