Kushur Davidson ’26 is one of our global ambassadors. She’s a psych and A&S major who studied abroad in spring 2024 through College Year in Athens.

What made you choose your study abroad program?

I chose this program because I had a previous student recommend it to me after I told her that I would like to study abroad in Athens, Greece.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course abroad was my Trauma and the Remaking of Self course with a clinical psychologist. She was able to split the course between class lectures and field trips to refugee camps and other places that tell the story of a particular group of people’s traumatic experiences. It allowed me to gain another perspective of Greece that was more realistic instead of touristy.

What was your favorite local food or drink?

My favorite local drink was Greek frappe every so often because I do not drink coffee very often. My favorite food was pastitsio.

What was the most important thing that you learned?

The most important thing I learned abroad was how to adapt to Greek culture. The US is a much more fast-paced environment so I had to walk slower than I usually do.

How did you interact with the local community and culture?

The local bars and cafes were great ways to interact with locals, especially after ordering with an American accent people became extremely curious. Another great way was through traveling to the multitude of Greek islands which have smaller populations and speaking with the locals about their family history.

What tips do you have for students interested in going abroad?

This is the only time you will be able to travel independently, but simultaneously supported by Lafayette College and the accompanying program as a student, so cur non?

How did you grow as an individual while studying abroad?

I came back to America with a greater sense of confidence in myself. I was determined to travel a bit throughout Europe and at first was scared to leave Athens because I knew I would have to try and survive in an even more unfamiliar area, but I always brought a friend and we tackled each obstacle like adults. While visiting places like France, Spain, and London I developed transferable skills like problem-solving and teamwork that I will value forever.

What is your most cherished memory of your abroad experience?

There are so many, but one of the most cherished memories would be the late-night sweet treat runs my closest friends and I would do once a week.