Lafayette Career Services Office

Lafayette Career Services Office offers a variety of information for students, including how to utilize and market your study abroad or off-campus experience when applying for internships or jobs. Students can watch the Marketing Your International Experience webshop, as well as reach out to the Career Services Office for consultation and advice.

International Careers

The Office of International & Off-Campus Education has limited resources available for students interested in pursuing an international career after graduation. If interested in learning more about post-graduation international career opportunities, such as Peace Corps or teaching English abroad, please contact

Career Services also offers information specifically geared toward international careers which can be found here.

Scholarships & Fellowships

While prestigious scholarships and fellowships are available to currently enrolled students, there are also scholarship opportunities for seniors and recent graduates. Whether you apply for the Marshall Scholarship for post-graduate study in the UK, a Fulbright Scholarship to teach English or do research in another country, or some other opportunity, the Office of Scholarships and Fellowships can help guide you through the application and planning process.