
The deadlines for submitting your application via the Lafayette study abroad portal can be found on the program brochure pages. These deadlines are Lafayette deadlines, regardless of the deadline set by the affiliated program through which you are applying.

Generally, applications to affiliated programs for the Spring semester are due October 1.  Applications to affiliated programs for the Fall semester are due March 1.  Petitions for temporary affiliation are due September 1 and February 1 for the Spring and Fall semesters respectively.

Pre-Application Process

  1. Attend one of the mandatory Study Abroad Get Started sessions, which are offered on a regular basis throughout the academic year. You may not make an appointment to meet with an advisor prior to attending a Get Started Session.
  2. Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your plans; make sure you know what requirements you must fulfill for both your major(s) and the Common Course of Study, and how you will arrange your courses at home and abroad to meet these requirements.
  3. Make an appointment for your mandatory study abroad advising meeting to discuss program options and ask questions. You may schedule your appointment on the Staff page. Appointments are scheduled in 30-minute blocks. IOCE’s assistant director is the primary adviser for affiliated semester programs. Appointments may be scheduled with the director if the assistant director is unavailable.
  4. For information on how to use the Lafayette study abroad application portal, visit the Using the Lafayette Study Abroad Application Portal page

What to Gather in Order to Apply

  • Many programs require letters of recommendation from faculty members. Be sure to request these letters at least two weeks in advance. It is also helpful to provide them with a list of the courses you have taken with them and a representative sample of your work, such as a final paper.
  • All programs require to see your official Lafayette transcripts. Transcripts are obtainable through Parchment. Note there is a small fee for requesting transcripts. This fee is the responsibility of the student.
  • As part of your application with an affiliated program, be prepared to pay an application fee. Fees may vary from program to program and are the responsibility of the student.
  • Most applications will ask you to verify that you have a valid passport. If you already have a passport, make sure it is valid for at least six months after the end date of your abroad program. If you need to apply for or renew your passport, do so immediately. Click here for further information about apply for or renewing a US passport.

Upon Acceptance

  • Pay the required deposit (usually ranging from $300–$600, or more if intensive international travel is involved) directly to the program. The charge will subsequently be deducted from your Lafayette College semester bill when IOCE receives the bill from your program reflecting that you paid the deposit. For more information regarding financial questions, see the Financial Planning page.
  • Everyone going abroad will have to sign a Waiver of Responsibility, a financial policies form, and an academic policies form (available on the Lafayette study abroad application portal) and submit Course Approvals. Click here for more information on the course approval process.
  • All students going abroad must also plan to participate in the mandator study abroad orientation that is offered each semester.
  • The program provider or host institution will inform you of the procedure for obtaining a student visa, if required; this process may be complicated and time-consuming. Be aware that U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens may have different entry requirements.
  • Follow program guidelines for purchasing your airline ticket. Never make travel arrangements until you have been accepted by your program.